Assists with processing any emotion when you cannot name the specific emotion you feel, or if you are feeling mixed emotions at the time, or if you are suffering from emotional overwhelm or just simply seeking to alleviate stress naturally.
Firstly, enjoy the feeling of peace spreading throughout your mind and body when using the essence Peace, secondly, name the predominating pure emotion that arises and then use the corresponding essence. For example, after using Peace, you can articulate that you feel angry, therefore use the essence Calm for processing anger.
Directions: Single pro.m.emo use: place 3 drops under the tongue for a mild emotional disturbance (5 drops for a significant disturbance) or add to 1 cup of water. Take the required dose, a minimum of 4 times a day. Multiple pro.m.emo use: add 3 drops of each single remedy (up to 5 remedies, excluding Peace) into a 30ml/ 1oz mixing bottle and then use as above.
Process My Emotions Essences are locally made drop dose essences to support you to process your emotions, when experiencing emotional disturbances either mild or severe.
The pro·m·emo essence range may assist with mood, as well as processing feelings such as fear, love, sadness, grief, melancholy, emotional stress, terror, worry, loneliness, manic excitement or any emotion. The essences do not stop you from feeling your emotions, they rather assist you to let go and move on quickly and smoothly, so that you do not need to sit in an emotional state too long or feel out of balance due to any excessive emotions that may be interrupting the flow and harmony of your day.
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