Daily Affirmations for good Chakra health
“Your thoughts become your reality.” Have you heard this before? It’s a statement that moved me greatly. In times of uncertainty and stress it’s more important than ever to observe your thoughts, purify and heal. The word affirmation comes from the Latin word ‘affirmare’, meaning “to make steady or strengthen.”
If affirmations aren’t yet part of your daily routine, know they can help you quickly change and strengthen your energetic vibration whenever you chose to use them.
Why? Thoughts are powerful, they can manifest into words and eventually into actions! Affirmations are a tool to help you instantly purify your thoughts and focus your brain on positivity instead of negativity.
When we affirm our dreams whether in our thoughts or verbally, we are immediately aligning our energy to this way of life – our thoughts and words become our reality!
Over the years I have become very careful of where my mind goes, and affirmations have become a natural part of life for me – not just something I do now and again. I hope this article will support you on your self-care journey to maintaining good Chakra health.
You can practice affirmations wherever and whenever you want
I use them daily in the shower, on my commute or when out for a walk to keep calm, grounded and positive. Using them during these times ensures the chaotic rush of the city, a day filled with news or the length of my to do list does not become part of me and linger in my energy. Instead, my day flows with more of what I was affirming – try it! Below you’ll find inspiration for affirmations by each Chakra.

Stress is a well-known part of life these days but unmanageable states of it can create anxiety, worry and extreme panic attacks. This can be debilitating! In addition to affirmations and expressing gratitude daily I’m a huge advocate of using Crystal Energy and Reiki to help be redress emotional imbalances. Crystals can be very easily integrated into life.
You can place them in your environment, make elixirs, meditate with, have a Crystal Healing or Crystal Reiki session or even wear them! There are countless ways to enjoy their energy. Try a few to see what works best for you. Qi Crystals has a great selection to choose from!
With love & light,
(Reiki Master/Teacher and Crystal Healer)