It’s Re-set Time
We live in amazing times and the last few weeks are no exception.
With the recent eclipses we have had an opportunity to see the shadow parts of ourselves. We have seen things which we need to integrate so we can come back into balance.
We have also been shown things that no longer serve us. These things may include old stories that hold us tight in harmful patterns or old wounds that refuse to heal and stop us from feeling and expressing joy and love. These old patterns also hinder us from being our true selves and living our purpose for ourselves, our communities and the earth.
It’s always a good time to let go of the things that hold us back.
During this time, Mercury has been in retrograde giving us the opportunity to re-view, re-set, re-consider, re-search, re-mind, re-think, re-connect, re-read, re-peat and pause before starting new ventures. This synced well with re-visiting the issues that the eclipse season has revealed. In this conjunction of both the dark and the light, it is not a time to go back into the nitty-gritty details of the old stories and patterns that have come to light but to set intentions to release the old and make space to bring in the new – healing, light and new stories of love and peace.
Intentions are what directs our energies and lives onto new paths. As we let go of our limiting beliefs and move past our fears, we can then begin to create truly original dreams that germinate in the soul and bear fruit in our lives and send ripples out into the world around us.
If you feel that you need to re-set your life or are struggling with old wounds or stories that seem to keep getting in the way or tripping you up, please consider a shamanic energy healing session to help your re-set process.
I have just commenced at Qi and have sessions available on Tuesday afternoons or other days by appointment. As a special offer for the month of September, all new clients for their first session will receive a $40 discount so sessions will cost $110.
Please call or email me on 0438 282 643 or