Author Archives: qi_admin

Finding Love with Tarot by Andrea Lowrey

Finding Love with Tarot by Andrea Lowrey “Soulmates aren’t the ones who make you happiest. They are ones that you make you feel the most. Burning edges and scars and stars. Old pains and pangs, captivation and beauty. Strain and shadows and worry and yearning. Sweetness and madness and dreamlike surrender. They hurl you into […]

The Wheel of Fortune and returning to Qi by Ais Esther

The Wheel of Fortune and returning to Qi by Ais Esther “Round and round and round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows.” I am so excited to have started back at Qi this month after almost a years absence. It is such a haven of enchanting crystals, creamy coffee, vibrating bowls and sweet esoteric […]

The Art of Self Luv by Alessandra

The Art of Self Luv by Alessandra Have you ever wondered why you walked out of a relationship that was not serving you, in some cases abusive either physically or psychologically or both to some degree and then walked into what you felt/saw/thought was perfect, that you had met: “the perfect person”, “perfect job”, “perfect […]

Manifesting with Sacred Geometry & Crystals with Leela Fernandez

Manifesting with Sacred Geometry & Crystals with Leela Fernandez Manifestation is something many of us practice. Either on a daily basis or when we feel the call to intentionally bring something into our lives. It comes in many forms; vision boards, writing, visualisation, lists, affirmations… and so many more, as it is a practice which […]

Dis-solving Anxiety Meditation with Lida van den Berg

Dis-solving Anxiety Meditation with Lida van den Berg Meditation is a powerful tool and yet its simplicity is often under-estimated. Meditation is used to transcend pain, to heighten personal strengths, to influence goals, to generate calm and clarity of thought. The list goes on. The most difficult aspects of meditation are commitment and expectation. The […]

April Energies: Connecting to your ‘I Am’ presence by Andrea

April Energies: Connecting to your ‘I Am’ presence by Andrea Dear Heart, Welcome to the month of April and all that it brings!  This month there is a sense of new beginnings and a sense of the path ahead.  After all the stops and starts of the last several months there is a much greater […]

The Portal to Expansive Awareness by Lida van den Berg

The Portal to Expansive Awareness by Lida van den Berg Meditation practice will in time create the portal to expansive awareness. The space between opposites will become apparent when losing focus or attachment to opposing ideas, thoughts and belief systems. Contemplate the space that exists between the mental and the physical. This space holds the […]

From dis-ease to ease: reconnect to your Feminine Flow by Sharon Sztar

From dis-ease to ease: reconnect to your Feminine Flow by Sharon Sztar When I launched my business a few years ago I named it A Seasonal Life because that’s essentially what life is. It’s a dynamic ever-changing existence, yet also with a sense of familiarity as we keep returning to the same seasons. We know […]

Changing Thoughts Change the Structure of the Brain by Lida van den Berg

Changing Thoughts Change the Structure of the Brain by Lida van den Berg In my years as a therapist and teacher I regularly get to witness the magic that occurs for people who step into the Spiritual arena. There are many reasons why people are drawn to spiritual practices ranging from a need to heal […]

The Return of the Medicine Woman by Vitaya Soulcraft

The Return of the Shamanic Medicine Woman by Vitaya Soulcraft The Medicine Woman is one of the timeless feminine Archetypes that has lived in our collective unconscious since our ancient beginnings. She is deeply rooted in every native culture and existed across the millennia, albeit suppressed, distorted and even punished and prosecuted since the rise of patriarchal systems […]

December Energies: Illumination by Andrea

December Energies: Illumination by Andrea Dear Heart, Bringing you messages of love and reassurance for the month ahead. Let’s begin by coming into the heart space, and feeling the warmth that emanates from deep within. Taking a moment to breathe deeply as we relax, and let go. Allowing yourself to be lifted up higher and […]

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – weekly update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor

Image: Flowing with the cycles of the moon – weekly update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor Have you felt the energy start to subdue this week after our full moon last Friday? Have you noticed the growing inclination to slow down and move inwards yourself? As the moon decreases its prominence in the […]

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor

Image: Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor The scent of summer has been in the air in Melbourne this week. The tantalising northerly breezes, the warm salty air, the longer twilights and later sunsets. The spring flowers are starting to be replaced by the […]

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor

Flowing with the cycles of the moon – Weekly Update from Sharon Sztar, Women’s Wisdom Mentor I’m currently down on the Mornington Peninsula and over the last few days I’ve been observing Port Phillip Bay. In the earlier part of yesterday, the water resembled something from a Greek island; exquisite shades of turquoise mixed up […]