The Veil Between the Worlds by Carol Partridge

The Veil Between the Worlds

by Carol Partridge

October has arrived and all Hallows Eve (October 31st) is nearly upon us.

when witches go riding

and black cats are seen,

the moon laughs and whispers

‘tis near Halloween

Here in Australia, Halloween is mostly viewed as a commercial enterprise inherited from America, but Halloween is so much more than ghoulish dress ups and trick or treat for children.

Did you know the veil, the energetic and psychic barrier between dimensions is said to be at it’s thinnest at this time? This means the living have increased intuition, psychic abilities and clearer contact with the other side, making All Hallows Eve the perfect time to remember and honour your loved ones who have crossed over.

In olden days, extra places were set at the dinner table, or food and drink was set outside on the doorstep to welcome returning spirits.

To honour your dearly departed, (people and animals), put their photo up, light a candle – let them know you’re thinking about them. Talk to them, you have a better chance of getting through on all All Hallows Eve. Who knows, you may even hear or feel them too. Spend a moment in quiet contemplation remembering all the fun times you had together. Think of them at their best. That’s how they want to be remembered … not in their moments of sickness, sorrow or distress.

It’s the perfect night for scrying, divination and looking into the future. It’s the time to gaze into crystal balls and fires, and cast oracle and tarot cards.

It is truly a night for MAGIC and CONTACT with the other side.

Of course you’ll need to cleanse and protect yourself more at this time too. I’ve been a professional space clearer and ‘ghost buster’ for over a decade now and know how to ensure I don’t bring home any unwanted guests or negative energy.

I’d love to share my magical tools and techniques with you in three October workshops – Protection Magic; Banish Ghosts, Spirits and Negative Energies; Earth Magic Circle All Hallows Eve. Find out more and book on my Facebook page Tarot Reader Melbourne.

Magical and merry blessings, Carol.

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