December Updates by Andrea Oneness

December Newsletter

by Andrea Oneness

Welcome to the Last Newsletter from myself, for Qi Crystals!

I hope that you are well in these accelerated, and at times challenging times!

So much has occurred over the last several months energetically, that I no longer know where to even begin!  So much has shifted and changed, both spiritually and physically – not just at a personal level, but at the collective level as well. 

Many great sages and wisdom keepers have predicted that one age will come to a close, and a new one will begin.  Please know that we really are in the midst of this great transition!  At present, we have moved into a whole new era of time.  This new era will be a Golden Age – even though it may not seem quite so at the moment. 

We are each moving more and more into the heart, and heart centred consciousness.  However, as with any great change, things may periodically feel very rocky and uncertain.  The next few months in particular will be choppy as old systems increasingly fall apart.  

Underneath all that though, there are beautiful new beginnings, much like tiny new plants and seedlings. 

In this new era the hand of the Divine, or Spirit, will make itself known to a greater extent.  You will feel Divine Presence to a far greater degree.  It will be subtle at first, but will become increasingly apparent. 

The main thing to deeply understand is: Fear Not!  Wondrous and beautiful things will unfold.  Love is greater than fear. 

When fear, doubt and uncertainty take over, take a moment to go within and connect with your heart space.  With your greater knowing.  Remember that you can call upon Divine Protection any time that you need it.  

You are of Love.  You are of Light. 

In your heart you are One with All That Is. 

And most importantly, you are LOVED.

Sending my deep gratitude to Qi and Derek, and all the wonderful staff at Qi Crystals!

And sending my heart felt appreciation to every person I met through this special store.  Whether it was for a personal session, or simply if you were browsing downstairs!

I am still available via Zoom for personal consultations, my weekly meditation class, as well as more in-depth classes held every month or so.

Please contact me on 0411 954 391, or email me at if you would like to be included on my mail list and receive future updates, such as online classes, or if you would simply like to keep in touch! Andrea is available via Zoom, as well as for in-person sessions on Saturdays. 

Finally, if you wish to help bring Heaven onto Earth, please join me in the short guided meditation below!

Wishing you many blessings over the Christmas and holiday season, and into the year ahead and all that it brings you,


Bringing Heaven Onto Earth:


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